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business plan development in Abuja Nigeria


For many, a business plan is a document used to obtain a loan from financial institutions. Although this statement is true, it is a reductive vision of the document. It is an essential tool for the proper management of any company.

A business plan is a guide that outlines goals for your business and how you plan to reach them. A good business plan is the backbone of every successful business. It contains an overview of your business strategy, milestones to track tasks and responsibilities, and the basic financial projections that you need to forecast your sales, expenses, and cash flow. A business plan should be dynamic. It should be reviewed regularly and modified if need be. The importance of an effective business plan can not be overemphasized.





A good business plan must have a brief but detailed overview that grabs the reader’s attention and tells them about what you do and why they should read the rest of your proposal.

It describes the business opportunity you want to exploit and the strategy you have in place.

Members of the team and their skills in relation to the achievement of the business goals

The target market, sales forecast, profitability, and funding.



This describes the structure of the company, products or services, the date it was established, its mission and vision, ownership of the company, size of the company, target market, competitive advantage, and the company’s legal and tax status.



This is a key phase in the creation of your business. In this phase, you identify the industry you are going to enter and how your business can fit into that industry. This analysis provides the foundation on which your marketing or sales plan will rest. Industry analysis is necessary to assess the general industry environment in which you compete.



For the growth of your business, you need to strategize on how to modify your business to give you a better chance in a competitive market, get customers, and what to do to keep them as the company/business grows. Here you have to address four main topics: product, price, promotion, and place (sales channels). This helps to direct the effort of your team marketing and sales team. This should be updated periodically (every 6 to 12 months)



This section is where you analyze both your current and potential competition which might enter the market. It is the process of calculating and evaluating your competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to yours.

business plan development services in Abuja Nigeria


This simply stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and the purpose of a SWOT analysis is to create a synthesized view of your current state. For a detailed SWOT analysis, you will need data from both internal and external sources. Internal, perspective from your company’s executives, board, customers, partners, managerial team, employees, and vendors. External sources like megatrends, information from industry associations, market news, etc.



This section should include, key team members and titles, description of education and experience, qualifications of your board of directors, potential contribution to the growth of the company. It should generally answer questions on who does what in your business, what their backgrounds are, why you are bringing them into the business as board members or employees, and what they are responsible for. A detailed description of each division or department and its functions should be outlined.



You mustn’t give a mere list of your products or services here. Under this section, you need to showcase the quality, value, and benefits your business offers.



This is an important section for those looking to get funds from external sources like the bank and other financial institutions. If you are self-funding you can skip this in your business plan. When determining how much funding you will need, there’s a need to state the business’ 3-5 years goal, how much money you need to accomplish this goal, the source of funding, and how you will utilize these funds.



This is a projection of future revenues and expenses. This phase is important to both the business owner and investors or loan organizations because it shows the chances of the business growing and becoming profitable. It reduces financial risks and determines business viability.





A good business plan contains a market study. It is a work in futility to start a business without studying the sector you are launching into. This allows you to know if your business can make a significant contribution to the market. Market research helps you learn the type of market that already exists. Is it a growing or saturated market? ( a saturated market is one in which supply is higher than demand), is your offer feasible?

Companies that offer business plan development services such as the Abuja Data School have the resources (both human and material) and facilities that allow you to discover the number of companies already established in the interest sector, your potential competitors, and also ways you can modify your business plan to thrive in the given sector (whether or not the market is saturated). You will also get data on the average turnover, number of employees, and other useful information about businesses in the given sector.



Before establishing or upscaling a company, there is a need to clarify the company’s vision and strategy. This ensures that you do not get caught up in unexpected situations which could be sometimes problematic. You must ensure you have everything necessary to achieve the company’s vision. It is better to invest time and resources in getting a good and workable business plan because the complexity of a problem could double once the company is launched.



A good business plan is a crucial requirement for getting financing from investors or banking organizations. Also, solid and well-structured data is needed to convince potential investors to trust and bet on your company. It is based on the information contained in it that they will or will not decide to support you financially in the implementation of your project. After all, anyone interested in investing money in your business will want to understand the business model. Is it sustainable in the long term? What is your short- and medium-term financing plan? What is your cash plan and what are your needs? A business plan is generally required for all companies seeking financing.



A good business plan would help you gain the trust of other professionals who would like to work with you. It would highlight your business acumen/savviness, be convincing, and at the same time allow you to negotiate rates.





Writing a business plan can be overwhelming for a lot of business owners,, although most business owners have a good knowledge of their business, it takes an unbiased third party who knows the crux of business growth and expansion to point out issues, areas that need modification/change, etc. for the growth of the company.

  • Abuja data school, an experienced business development consultant, is an invaluable asset for any business whether a start-up or an existing company with an idea and a vision. Our personnel is skilled in data analysis, digital marketing, UI/UX design, administrative management, project management, customer service, website development, and other skills which are crucial skills needed for business growth.


  • We take time to understand our client’s business model and environment. All recommendations we make are a result of the current needs of the business. The original vision of the business will be improved, transformed, or modernized in such a way that a more productive and vision-oriented business is created.


  • Our team offers you the market research, writing, and formatting you need for your business growth. Our business plans are designed to guide the running of your business and achieve its goals and objectives. We don’t have ready-made business plans for all our customers, we tailor them to meet the exact needs of our customers.


  • We will help you identify, analyze and quantify growth opportunities. We recommend growth opportunities that help your business have a broader look at factors like financing, technical capability, debts, and liquidity of the company. Our team analyzes past and current financial figures, this allows them to collect data that shows various ways to optimize cash flow management.
data science training in Abuja Nigeria


Ever heard the phrase “Data is the new oil”? In the year 2006, a British mathematician named Clive Humby devised it. The idea behind this statement points towards the relevance of data to the activities in life – it has become a valuable asset. A lot is done with data, income is also generated from it. He went further to describe the usefulness of data and it is no doubt that data is the new crude in the world now. Data has demonstrated its rawness from the point of collection through classification, analysis, and interpretation and hence requires purification.


A “Data Professional” is someone who is knowledgeable about data and specializes in it. Professional data cleaners, selectors, analysts, and visualizers are all capable of cleaning, selecting, interpreting, and presenting data generally. They might also be able to build machine learning models quickly. The aspiration to be a data professional demonstrates a drive for qualification in that area. A data professional can be a data analyst, data scientist, data engineer, machine learning scientist, statistician, quality analyst and more.

Data scientists are frequently mistaken for data analysts, and vice versa. A data scientist can forecast the future based on historical trends, whereas a data analyst merely curates useful data insights. A data scientist’s job entails estimating the unknown, whereas a data analyst’s job is examining the known from new angles. The data space is wide to explore.


data science training in Abuja Nigeria


What it takes to be a Data Professional


1. Gain the relevant skills: Data is statistical and analytical in nature. A bachelor’s degree in a field that emphasizes statistical and analytical skills, such as math or computer science, is required. This is not required, however it can help you get started in a data science profession. However, anyone can begin a job in data science without first obtaining a bachelor’s degree from a university.


2. Learn how to analyze data: A knowledge of statistics makes the journey of processing and analyzing data more familiar, giving a head start on the entire concept of data. It is necessary to gain this rudimentary knowledge of data as it enlightens the achievable path. At Abuja Data School, you are opportune to be taught the rudiments where you do not have prior experience. You are also not left out if you have prior knowledge of data.

3. Seek a job as an entry level in data analysis: Look for a job suitable for the role of beginner level in data analysis or any aspect that is proper with your qualification. This is a good step because it enhances skills already acquired and practice makes expertise. On the job, connect to learn from experts in the field you have in view.


4. Skill Up: As the saying goes “learning never ends”, there’s more to data than just the beginner’s stage. In the quest to be a professional, there is a need to take up advanced learning processes and practices, engage in data projects and training. Learn the languages of data such as Python, R, Structured Query Language (SQL) and Machine learning.


5. Certifications: Gaining more knowledge cannot be over-emphasized. As well, ensure to earn certifications and badges that determine the validity and ability to complete a data-oriented task. Enrolling at Abuja Data School to learn data certifies you.


6. Design your portfolio: After gaining certifications and earning badges, it is appropriate to build a resume that highlights the accomplishments. This appeals to prospective employers who seek to hire as it provides insights to your abilities and how it aligns with their requirements.


Enroll at Abuja Data School today and start building your career!






radio and television training in Abuja Nigeria


Media presentation requires one the ability to paint pictures in the mind of listeners as well as keep them entertained by the content delivered. The way things are said, the manner they are presented, the tone they flow with and the tenses used in presentation are essential as this can keep listeners attentive or bore them.

Radio and TV presentation is using the power of your voice to pass a message to your audience yet amused and informed though it all depends on what you say and how you say it. Learn to become a great Radio and TV presenter at Abuja Data School today.


Great pointers to becoming a Radio and TV presenter

1. Enjoy yourself talking: Oftentimes, it is the energy you carry that flows to your audience. A gloomy and frustrated speaker will pass such a vibe to the audience. Highly-tensed and angry tone can put off your audience as well give them an arrogant impression of the presenter.

As well, try not to be offensive in your speech or demeanor. At Abuja Data School, you are taught the most suitable tenses to use when presenting, the countenance to put up also.


2. Have a scholastic approach to the topic: Go beyond just a surface information on a subject matter to knowing a handful of information on it. This alone calls for biased conclusions on what is being addressed. Therefore, it is important to constantly conduct research. This radio and TV presentation training at Abuja Data School will teach you how to make these relevant searches regarding this subject because information is vast.

Your audience will lose faith in your ability as a presenter if you consistently make clear mistakes and provide incorrect information, whether intentionally or not. You sure don’t want that. It is your responsibility to enlighten and not promote disinformation.


Television presentation training in Abuja Nigeria
TV live news show host interview. Television presenters, cameraman video camera shooting crew. Broadcasting production studio set, stage light equipment, green background. Flat vector illustration


3. Listen to other presenters: Give ears to other presenters, especially very good presenters. From there, you get to note your mistakes and also pick up enviable gestures to keep your audience close. Pay close attention to the sequence in their presentation, interaction method and evaluate yours. Be open to criticism. Get connected with like minds in this Radio and TV presentation training at Abuja Data School. Learn from others’ experiences in this field.


4. Peruse your script: Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse what you plan to say. Try not to make things out of your head while on-seat in order to avoid mistakes. You get the opportunity to practice your presentation before your facilitator and other learners at this training here in Abuja Data School for correction and guidance.


5. Discipline: As a presenter, it is necessary to obey rules as applies to co-ordination, time management and interaction with the audience. Abuja Data School is ready to teach you a practical and step by step approach to utilizing time, staying polite yet professional in your delivery to listeners.


6. Stay lively and professional: Obviously, no one would want to listen to someone who is boring. Having a distinctive voice and viewpoint that distinguishes you from the competition is key to being a great radio host. You should not be content with being just a radio host. Go Pro! Skill up and keep your audience entertained. Even the most uninteresting subjects may be made entertaining by the best radio hosts simply by their excitement and capacity to convey a fresh viewpoint. Put your passions on your sleeve, enjoy what you are doing, and your audience will follow suit.


Enrolling in this Radio and TV presentation in Nigeria is, after all, worthwhile and best done under the instruction of Abuja Data School. This training has numerous advantages, including the chance to network with others who share your interests and with seasoned presenters who consider it as a privilege to influence up-and-coming presenters.

airline ticketing and reservations training in Abuja Nigeria


Airlines, bus transport companies, rail companies, tour operators and other travel services use ticketing and reservation as an instrument of ordering its services. They deal with an influx of people who want to travel, send and receive parcels, and move from one destination to another. These travel authorities hire reservation and ticketing agents to help their clients in a variety of ways. Ticket agents, also known as travel clerks or ground crew, help passengers in the check-in and boarding process, selling tickets to passengers, talking with them about their travel plans and selecting tickets with the best schedules.


Ticketing is the process of issuing travel documents to passengers and this ensures coordination in travel processes. By owning a travel document, the holder is entitled to the seat indicated on it, that way, there is no conflicting of individual interest in seat selection. It is also a confirmation that the seat indicated on it has been paid for. Reservations go in tandem with ticketing when passengers schedule trips for later dates. Reservations helps retain their selection.


Tools To Learn

  • Amadeus
  • Sabre
  • Galileo


Becoming a ticketing agent

Reservation agents use computers and booklets to check schedules, taxes, and other vital information before making and confirming travel reservations for passengers. The duties of ticketing agents differ from reservation agents but they use the same tools of operation. Ticketing agents sell tickets from bus stations or a different travel point. One person often takes up the roles of a ticketing and reservation agent as it is similar.


Irrespective of the duties, to become one of these agents, you need to be trained and certified in travels. Abuja Data School offers ticketing and reservations training in Abuja Nigeria. This training knows no bounds as it can be taken physically or online.


At the very least, ticket and reservation agents are often expected to have completed at least a reservation training course. Because computers are mostly used in this sector, you ought to have a basic understanding of computers and software therefore, an interested candidate is expected to efficiently utilize a computer, have problem-solving skills, and have knowledge of a local language in Nigeria. The ability to interact with the public as a ticket agent is also beneficial for this position-get to learn this proper way of relating with passengers in this ticketing and reservation training in Abuja Nigeria.


Streamlining this write up to an airline ticket and reservation agent, the following are the expectations on this role as this ticketing and reservation training in Abuja Nigeria seeks to cover:

  • Designing the itinerary and other travel plans for airline customers or passengers which may also include hotel and transportation reservations is the primary job of an agent.
  • Preparation and confirmation of travel documents using applications for travels is expected to be known by the agent. The ticketing and reservation training course in Abuja Nigeria will give a guide through this and beyond.
  • Reservation agents enter the passenger’s destination, intended travel time, and departure airport into a computer and immediately retrieve information on all aircraft schedules and seating options for his or her preferred mode of travel.
  • Knowledge on the use of computer software programs for amendment and cancellation of bookings is another responsibility of an agent.
  • Agents might also book seats on other airlines if their own airline cannot provide a service for the customer on the return trip.


Becoming a ticket and reservation agent in Nigeria is an awesome step to improving relational skills as the nature of this job requires an exposure to all kinds of people. Gaining a way to qualify for this job requires taking training courses in ticketing and reservations as offered in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School. Being computer savvy and having knowledge of it is an added advantage. In as much as you gain value, it is expected you give value in return to customers through excellent customer service.

Get enrolled today at Abuja Data School for your ticketing and reservation training in Abuja Nigeria.


financial modeling training in Abuja, Nigeria


Do you practice finance, seek to switch careers to the finance sector or want to gain a foothold in financial modeling? The financial modeling training in Abuja Nigeria is available to guide through your decisions irrespective of learning level, be it beginners or advanced level.


The idea of financial modeling seeks to forecast/predict the future, what the company will look like in the future. It is using a spreadsheet to build the forecast of a company and understand how its future will look like-which is why the subject of excel cannot be overlooked. This helps in getting target prices which is what a company should be worth over time. Everything in modeling is a percent of revenue. It is expected you take into cognizance historical patterns as they help in giving realistic forecasts. Financial models can be built from scratch or source from already existing models like investors relations model, SEC.gov, Yahoo finance and many more.


The Items on a financial model are drawn by analysis from the financial statements of the company. Financial statements are written documents that describe a company’s operations and financial performance. The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement are the three most significant financial statements to understand. These three financial statements reflect a company’s assets and liabilities, revenues and costs, and cash flows from operations, investments, and financing.

financial modeling course workshop Abuja Nigeria


A balance sheet is a statement of a business’s or other organization’s assets, liabilities, and capital at a specific point in time, describing the balance of income and spending during the previous period.

Assets are the things that a firm owns. The bank owns the bank’s liabilities, while the company’s equity is owned by others. It’s a snapshot of what a firm owns or owes at a given point in time.


An income statement shows how much money is coming into a business. It’s known as income or sales. Some refer to it as the top-line because revenue is at the top and net income is at the bottom. The money that goes out is also shown on the income statement.

Net income is calculated by subtracting revenue from expenses.


The income statement does not reveal the amount of real cash or the amount of cash that has increased in the company’s pocket. Income isn’t the same as money. A cash flow statement explains why cash on a balance sheet increased or decreased. Cash flow is determined by taking net income and adding non-cash items from the income statement and the balance sheet.


The financial modeling training in Abuja Nigeria with excel tools and functions incorporates hands-on method of learning. Studies from real-life cases, the sector’s standards and analytical techniques will be instruments of learning.


What to expect from the financial modeling training in Abuja:

  • Introduction to financial statements
  • Financial modeling using excel tools
  • Financial forecasting
  • Advanced excel functions
  • Financial statement analysis
  • Business valuation and Enterprise valuation
  • Using Discounted Cash Flow in Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Using financial modeling to build a Discounted Cash Flow enterprise valuation
  • Price to Revenue Valuation
  • Price to Earning Valuation
  • Understanding Target Pricing
  • Analyzing the difference between Growth and Value
  • Verifying the feasibility of target prices using Total Addressable Market (TAM)


The financial modeling training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School is targeted also to benefit hedge fund managers, investment bankers, asset managers, business development analysts, finance and corporate professionals, and those interested in improving their financial and valuation modeling skills.

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