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Author Archives: Data Analysis | Data Analytics | Data Science Training Centre in Lagos



Every business is open to progress. The big question is “How is progress achieved in a business?”. Amongst the numerous activities that go on to keep a business organization going is “the use of data”. The What, How and Why of data to a business organization is the main aim of the Data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School where data analytics, data science, business intelligence and visualizations are tutored. Data is powerful. It speaks volume of things done in the past and the progression of outcome by the operations of a business organization. Information obtained from data evaluated can be used as a guide to future expectations.


What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the process of analyzing raw data that have been collected to give more insights into a business and further guide in predicting the future from past and present events. Data analytics give more details bringing out the usefulness of  data collected. Insights gotten from the data can be used to improve the performance of a business. Introducing tools and techniques to power data analytics such that data collected are presented in ways that makes sense by accuracy, feasibility and coherence makes a business intelligent. More so, business intelligence is a category of tools and strategies established in a business to gather data, scrutinize its functions and present in a more appealing way called data visualization. Business intelligence helps to solve the problem of ‘what’ and ‘how’ of data relevant to a business.

It is important to know that data analytics is a subsection of data science although both technologies use Big Data but from different views. Companies use this big data for industry research. Data science combines practical mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning while data analytics focuses on mathematics and statistical analysis. Data science dives into concepts like data mining, predictive modeling, machine learning and data deduction.

This makes the role of a data scientist different from a data analyst. In relation to business, data analysts are more effective compared to data scientists as after collecting and analyzing data, they draw conclusions by their presentations through visualizations of graphs, line charts and columns. A data analyst is easily understood by both the technical and non-technical arm of an organization. Unlike the data scientist, a data analyst interprets findings in a business-oriented manner.


Why Should You Learn Data Analytics?

The importance of data analytics cannot be over emphasized as it is used to make faster and better business decisions. It is used to predict future sales or purchasing behaviors of customers/clients. It analyzes the effectiveness of marketing and promotional campaigns. This data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria will teach you how to increase supply chain efficiency through these technologies. Do you also want to know how to boost customer acquisition and retention? Abuja Data School has a table set through this data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria.


Roles of a Data Analyst

Wondering what your line of activities would be if you join the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria?

  1. Gather new data to answer questions.
  2. Translate relevant questions into solid analytical tasks.
  3. Manage and report user feedback using data visualization software like Tableau, Power BI, Qliksense etc.
  4. Monitor processes and practices to identify occasions for improvement.


Process of data analytics

  1. Problem statement. This process defines questions, establishes objectives and gives hypotheses. This stage of data analytics requires business metrics, soft skills, lateral thinking and Key Performance Index (KPI) to set objectives straight, identify the type of data needed and where to get them from. Tools helpful in this process include Databox, Dasharoo, Grafana, Freeboard.


  1. Data collection. This level is where you collect data from sources which could be internal sources (primary data) using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and emailing tools or external sources (secondary data). Data are in different types which are Quantitative or numeric data e.g. sales figures, monthly reports and Qualitative data e.g. customer reviews/survey. These data are grouped in three different levels namely; First party data (direct relationship with clients ,satisfaction surveys, focus groups or interviews), Second party data (first party data of other organization, website ,app, social media activity) and Third party data (obtained from numerous sources from a third party). Data collection tools include SAAS, Salesforce, Xplenty, Dswarm.


  1. Data cleansing. It is not uncommon for anomalies and errors to be detected in data. Therefore, this process cleanse data of irregularity, duplicates, missing data and major errors. It is in this stage that unwanted data are removed, typos are fixed, gaps filled and data are restructured. Oftentimes, data cleaning done manually is appreciated. Nevertheless, the tools for cleaning includes Openrefine, Python libraries like Pandas,R packages and Enterprise tools like Data ladder.


  1. Data analytics. This process analyzes data using techniques like univariate or bivariate analysis regression, cluster, time series. Analysis depends on your goal and set objectives according to the first stage of the problem statement. Categories of analysis include; descriptive analysis (examining what has already occurred), diagnostic analysis (evaluating why an event is happening), predictive analysis (projecting trend of historical data to forecast future growth) and prescriptive analysis (analysis to make recommendations for future).


  1. Data presentation. At this stage, results and insights regarding the data process are shared. This is where present findings give reports on discoveries and limitations encountered in the process of analysis. Reports should be unambiguous and clear. Reports, dashboards and interactive visualization are used to interpret results. Note that your interpretation will determine decisions that will be taken on the business which is why the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria will groom you in excellent communication skills. Get to learn the tool for interpreting data such as Google charts, Tableau, Datawrapper, Infogram at Abuja Data School. Also, the Coding tools for interpretation includes Plotty, Seaborn, Matplotlib.


What Skills Do You Need?

  1. Mathematical and statistical skills.
  2. Programming skills like SQL, Python and Java.
  3. Problem solving skills.
  4. Good communication skills.



Data analytics will be much more efficient and effective with these tools. Each tool fall under significant categories:

  1. Spreadsheet tools e.g. Ms Excel, Google spreadsheet. These are good for inputting and viewing data.
  2. Databases e.g. relational databases such as Ms Access, SQL server, Oracle built for transactions and storage while column, document and graphs for views. Databases do not really analyze data excellently.
  3. Data visualizations tools e.g. Tableau, Power BI, Qliksense, AWS Quicksight. This is designed for people to use without learning coding.
  4. Programming languages e.g. R, Python. This is necessary especially finding a path in data science.
  5. Big data tools e.g Hadoop, Data lakes, Spark. Usually, Big data is too big to be stored on a computer which requires it to be shared among various computers.
  6. Cloud tools e.g. AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud platform.

Hence, we would look at the tools that will be covered at the data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School.



Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft. It is compatible with Windows, iOS, Android and macOS.




  1. It can organize a large amount of data into charts, line graphs and histograms.
  2. It can be added easily to other Microsoft office software to create more visualizations.
  3. It programs with Visual Basic Applications which can automate and customize functions.


  1. It is more of a spreadsheet therefore cannot help to make instant decisions.



KNIME (Konstanz Information Miner) is a free and open source data analytics for integration and reporting of data. It supports the Windows, Linux and OS X operating systems.




  1. It is an open source platform for data analytics and integration.
  2. It has an interactive user interface with drag and drop feature.
  3. It supports team collaboration.
  4. It has a quality visual workflow and can handle large amounts of data.
  5. It is great in fast problem solving and  features multi-threaded in-memory data processing support.


  1. It consumes memory in large capacity.
  2. It is slow in speed.



SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a statistical software for data analytics developed by the SAS Institute. It is compatible on Windows, IBM mainframe, OpenVMS Alpha and Unix/Linux.




  1. It integrates easily with MS office tools.
  2. Better analysis is done using automatic code generation and SAS SQL.
  3. Interactive dashboards can be created for easy understanding of compound data.
  4. It has a proficient data management system.
  5. It is easy to debug.


  1. It is not open source and therefore cannot be utilized generally.
  2. Mining data text is hard.
  3. Slow in speed.



R Analytics is an open source programming language used mostly by academicians for research, statistical analysis and data mining




  1. It is easy and does not need a license.
  2. It can handle large datasets.
  3. It has incredible data visualization and graphic abilities.
  4. It is compatible with any operating system.
  5. It is open source and programmable with many features.


  1. Implementation of more programming languages, i.e. It requires programming skills.
  2. Large memory consumption and slow speed.
  3. It is not easy to learn.
  4. It is prone to error because of the language.



Python is an object oriented programming language. It is a general-purpose language used to create websites, data science, task automation, data analysis and visualization.



  1. It can handle data excellently.
  2. It is easy to learn and handle.
  3. It is flexible and can be used for multiple functions.


  1. High memory consumption.
  2. Speed limitations.



SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a powerful tool used to manage data and analyze complex data from any source. It is developed by SPSS Inc., acquired by IBM in 2009.




  1. It is quick and easy to learn.
  2. It has an interactive interface.
  3. It can handle any amount of data.
  4. It can import any data file format like csv, html, pdf etc.
  5. It looks like Microsoft Excel but can handle large data sets.


  1. It cannot handle very large data in a set.
  2. It is expensive.
  3. It has functions limited to what is in-built.



Stata is a friendly tool used mostly by social sciences capable of analyzing data to visualizing data. It is a statistical package developed by StataCorp for data handling, automation in reporting and visualization.




  1. It provides version control.
  2. It is easy to use.


  1. Its functions are limited to numeric data, and cannot analyze scripted data.
  2. It is limited to the functions embedded in it and particular data types.



EPI is a tool for data structuring and works with quantitative data. It was developed in 2007 by JM Lauritsen. It is only compatible with Windows operating systems  having cross-platform versions under construction.




  1. It is free for all users.
  2. It is easy to select subsets of data for analysis without deleting relevant data.
  3. It constantly saves analysis steps performed.
  4. It automatically includes all data points viable in calculations/tests.


  1. It is compatible with Windows operating systems only.
  2. It is quite difficult to learn.
  3. Its analytic options are limited to basic methods.
  4. Its graphics are appalling.



MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) is a computing environment with multiple programming functions used to manipulate and implement data. It was developed in the late 1970s by MathWorks. It is compatible with different operating systems. It is mostly used by engineers and scientists.



  1. It can easily perform computation.
  2. It is easy to test algorithms.
  3. It supports external libraries.


  1. It is an interpreted language, not a compiler and takes time to execute.
  2. It is expensive.
  3. It requires a large memory space.



DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2) is an open source analytical platform that evaluates, reports and dispenses data for health schemes. It was developed by the Health Information Software Programme using Java programming language. It is mostly used by the health industry.




  1. It allows for easy importation of data from both technical and non-technical users.
  2. It allows users to send data from place to place without the internet.
  3. It is open-source and can be contributed to.


  1. The system of analysis is manual.



EViews is a software package for data analytics and statistical functions using time series for evaluation developed by Quantitative Micro Software firstly in 1994.



  1. It is excellent in managing data quickly and efficiently.
  2. It is very good for generating forecasts.
  3. It presents high quality graphs, columns and tables.


  1. It runs on only Windows.
  2. It is not easy for non-programmers.



SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language that is used to manage data stored in relational databases as explained earlier developed by ISO/IEC in 1974. It is a cross-platform software that runs on any operating system.


  1. It is known for its high processing speed.
  2. It fetches a large amount of data quickly.
  3. It does not necessarily require professional coding skills.


  1. It is expensive.



Kobo Toolbox is a statistical package that is free and open source. It is used mainly in the humanitarian industry and development sector to collect and manage data.




  1. It is an open source data collector used on mobile devices.
  2. It is free to use.
  3. It can be used offline.


  1. It is prone to errors
  2. It is a low-level control software which uses firmware.


Careers In Data Analytics

Data analytics skills are in-demand as most and many businesses seek to up their game. Looking at the benefits of data analytics to the performance of a business, developing a career in this field seems promising. Hence, the unlimited opportunities to position oneself through this data analytics training in Abuja Nigeria by Abuja Data School;

  1. Data analyst.
  2. Data scientist.
  3. Business intelligence expert.
  4. Data engineers/analytics expert.
  5. And many more.






Managing a business efficiently can be a lot of challenge because  of the hassles of keeping financial records clean; incomes and expenses  need to be tracked,  employees paid, inventory taken, and all the aspects of your business running.

Luckily, there are tools you can use to keep your business organized and monitor the financial health of your business.

QuickBooks  and Sage 50 are the two most popular tools you can choose from to help with all the crucial aspects of your business financial operations. They are both important and offer slightly different services with certain services that overlap.

This QuickBooks and sage 50 Training  in Abuja, Nigeria by  Abuja Data School will benefit you if you are;

  1. A business owner
  2. An accounting Professional,
  3. An Accounting  student and

Someone who wants to be equipped with the right software accounting skill to benefit any business


What is QuickBooks Accounting Software?

QuickBooks is a business management software used for bookkeeping and accounting. The package  provides solutions that small to medium businesses can use. It works to organize the financial records, reports and data of your business so you  can easily understand and manage them. QuickBooks offer both cloud-based and desktop programs with various versions your business can choose to work in.

 QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Self-employed, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise are just some of the versions of QuickBooks and they vary in their features, price and usability.


Quickbooks Accounting Training


Benefits of QuickBooks Accounting Training in Abuja

QuickBooks offer the following benefits for your business:

  1. Keeping track of income, bills and expenses.
  2. Printing Financial statements like Profit and loss Report, Balance sheet report and Statement of cash flows.
  3. Creating invoices that can be mailed to customers  or printed, and  also tracking invoices.
  4. Scanning, uploading and matching-up receipts with corresponding transactions.
  5. Tracking Employees work hours and running payrolls.
  6. Tracking inventory
  7. Accepting payment online
  8. Synchronizing with bank and credit card accounts.

Overall, QuickBooks  saves the time and energy of your business, makes available ready-to-use templates used to create invoices, charts, spreadsheets and business plans and it is  usually easy to use with a user-friendly interface that guides the user through each of its features.


What is sage 50 Accounting Software?

Sage 50 is an accounting software with more advanced solutions primarily for book keeping and financial management. Sage 50 is best suited for large companies and enterprises and has been designed with the professional accountant in mind.  Sage 50 offers a few basic accounting features- It cannot perform all the bookkeeping functions of your business. Sage 50 helps to keep employees on-task when working on collaborative projects.

 The sage 50 software package offers both cloud based and desktops options and has various products your business can choose from. Sage 50 shares some basic similarities with QuickBooks, with Sage 50 being the most comparable to QuickBooks.


Sage 50 Accounting Training

Benefits of sage 50 Training in Abuja

Sage 50 software provides the following benefits for your  business:

  1. Tracking income and expenses
  2. Invoicing Customers
  3. Managing projects using cloud options
  4. Collaborating between multiple employees:


Pros and Cons of QuickBooks and Sage 50


Pros of QuickBooks Accounting Software

  • Saves time
  • User- friendly
  • Affordable  prices
  • Good accounting features
  • Has cloud- support options
  • Flexible with third- party applications


Cons of QuickBooks Accounting Software

  • Limited number of users
  • System crashes occasionally
  • Limited personalization options
  • Lacks some industry- specific features


Pros of sage 50 Accounting Software

  • Collaborates between many users on  a single project
  • Has cloud-support options
  • Personalized  invoices
  • Offers expert knowledge and support


Cons of sage 50 Accounting Software

  • Not as user-friendly as other software
  • Difficult to set up


QuickBooks vs Sage 50



The most comparable Sage 50 solution to QuickBooks is Sage 50. Beyond that, many of the similarities stop. These are the similarities that exist between QuickBooks and sage 50:

Both QuickBooks and Sage 50  offer a suite of mobile apps which users can use to perform core functionalities.

QuickBooks and Sage 50 software have free trials that allow users  to test the software for  a limited number of days.

 Users  can access both QuickBooks and Sage 50 from any internet connected device and all data will synchronize across all devices.

For QuickBooks and Sage 50, users can choose from a range of various products.



The solutions provided by QuickBooks are best suited for small and medium sized businesses, whereas Sage 50 solutions are directed at larger companies and enterprises.

QuickBooks is a general bookkeeping and accounting software, whereas sage 50 is a more advanced software with  solutions that offer  functionality for Project management, Human Resource(HR),  stock and inventory.

With QuickBooks free trial,  you need to submit your credit card data. However, you can try the Sage 50 Software for free without submitting your credit card data.

QuickBooks bases it’s pricing on the features- the more you pay, the more you get whereas sage 50 charges depend on the number of users that require access to the software- the more collaborators on a project, the higher the price.


How to choose between QuickBooks and sage 50

When deciding between QuickBooks and Sage 50, you’ll need to consider many things. You’ll need to;

Consider the size of your business: QuickBooks and Sage 50 will do for small businesses.

Determine the number of employees on a project: sage 50 is best if it’s  more than one employee working on a project.

Check the size of your inventory’: QuickBooks is suited for small inventories whereas sage 50 is best  suited to handle robust Inventories.

Look at the ease of use:  QuickBooks is user-friendly. It synchronizes  with bank accounts making  this system easier to use than more advanced programs.

List the basic requirements you want from a software package.

Identify  which are the most relevant products within the ranges for your business.

Seek advice from your accountant to  help you decide on the best package.


How does Abuja Data School fit in?

At Abuja Data School, we have a team of skilled IT professionals with excellent knowledge in IT related fields.

We  organize IT training in Abuja, Nigeria to meet our clients needs.

We are passionate about helping you grow your business by providing you with the necessary IT skills you need to be an expert.

Visit us at our training facility or call our customer care line to learn more on the features, pricing and set up of QuickBooks and sage 50.





Cloud computing covers a vast range of options in the field of tech nowadays, from the basics of storage, networking, and processing power through to natural language processing and artificial intelligence as well as standard office applications. Most especially any service that does not require you to be physically close to the computer hardware that you are using can now be delivered via the cloud. In other words, cloud computing allows you to rent instead of buy your IT. Rather than investing heavily in databases, software, and hardware, companies opt to access their computing power via the internet or the cloud, and pay for it as they use it. These cloud services now include, but are not limited to, servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and business intelligence. Cloud computing provides the speed, scalability, and flexibility that enables businesses to develop, innovate, and support business IT solutions. Abuja data school is able to provide you with professionals who are majors in this field, they will be broadening your knowledge on cloud computing and how it can help you save your business some stress and also better data analysis accuracy. Abuja data school will be taking you thoroughly through cloud computing training in abuja and how it will change your life activities completely in a well mannered culture.


Types of cloud computing

Below are different types of cloud: Public, private, and hybrid. Each type requires a different level of management from the customer and provides a different level of security. The cloud computing training in abuja data school will also be expantiating and breaking down for you, the different types of clouds and how they work.


Public cloud

In a public cloud, the entire computing infrastructure is located on the premises of the cloud provider, and the provider delivers services to the customer over the internet. Customers do not have to maintain their own IT and can quickly add more users or computing power as needed. In this model, multiple tenants share the cloud provider’s IT infrastructure.


Private cloud

A private cloud is used exclusively by one organization. It could be hosted at the organization’s location or at the cloud provider’s data center. A private cloud provides the highest level of security and control.


Hybrid cloud

As the name suggests, a hybrid cloud is a combination of both public and private clouds. Generally, hybrid cloud customers host their business critical applications on their own servers for more security and control, and store their secondary applications at the cloud provider’s location.


Multi Cloud

The main difference between hybrid cloud and multi cloud is the use of multiple cloud computing and storage devices in a single architecture.


Benefits of cloud computing

In our businesses and organizations, cloud computing offers a vast amount of benefits and importance. When we talk about data analysis, creating databases for your data and storage, cloud computing holds a great deal of benefits in this area. Abuja data school will be discussing how the cloud computing training in Abuja will let you realize how much cloud computing can enormously benefit your business.


Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Cost saving

Once you are on the cloud, easy access to your company’s data will save time and money in project startups. The cloud computing training in Abuja will help you know how you can manage your cost and time in cloud computing.



Many organizations have security concerns when it comes to adopting a cloud-computing solution. After all, when files, programs, and other data aren’t kept securely onsite, how can you know that they are being protected?. The key to this amped-up security is the encryption of data being transmitted over networks and stored in databases. By using encryption, information is less accessible by hackers or anyone not authorized to view your data. The cloud computing training in Abuja will be dealing with how you can proffer the best encryption system for your files and data over the cloud.



By relying on an outside organization to take care of all IT hosting and infrastructure, you’ll have more time to devote toward the aspects of your business that directly affect your bottom line. The cloud offers businesses more flexibility overall versus hosting on a local server.



Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones and devices, it is a great way to ensure that no one is ever left out of the loop. Staff with busy schedules, or who live a long way away from the corporate office, can use this feature to keep instantly up to date with clients and co-worker. The cloud computing training in abuja will let you realize how you can be mobile at your duty post, and also get in touch with the office even when you are absent.


Quality Control

There are few things as detrimental to the success of a business as poor quality and inconsistent reporting. In a cloud-based system, all documents are stored in one place and in a single format. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates.


Loss prevention

With a cloud-based server, all the information you have uploaded to the cloud remains safe and easily accessible from any computer with an internet connection, even if the computer you regularly use isn’t working. The cloud computing training will feed you up with how to make your files and data safe in the cloud at all times.


Automatic software updates

Cloud-based applications automatically refresh and update themselves, instead of forcing an IT department to perform a manual organization-wide update. This saves valuable IT staff time and money spent on outside IT consultation.



Cloud infrastructures support environmental proactivity, powering virtual services rather than physical products and hardware, and cutting down on paper waste and improving energy efficiency.


Tools used in cloud computing

Here, we will be discussing some of the tools to be used in the cloud computing training in Abuja data school.


Microsoft Azure

The cloud computing training in Abuja will be teaching us about how to properly use Microsoft Azure, which is Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform. It provides a range of cloud services, analytics, storage and networking. Users can pick and choose from these services to develop and scale new applications, or run existing applications in the public cloud. The Azure platform aims to help businesses manage challenges and meet their organizational goals.



Cloudwatch allows cloud resources and applications running under the amazon services, enabling you to track and view instances. It gives you a brief insight into the overall health and performance of the system. This system can be used in a great way to optimize operations. The best part of cloud services is that you do not need to install any kind of software or invest in heavy installation services. The cloud computing training in Abuja will also imbibe in you, the way you can always monitor the performance of the system and the operations being performed.

Infrastructure Manager

The infrastructure manager is a great management platform in the cloud computing platforms list. It helps deliver intelligent analytics for infrastructure monitoring. It is a fantastic tool that is quite proactive in solving troubleshooting issues that might affect the loud infrastructure’s performance. Without a doubt, this is a great tool that manages storage services, networks, and servers, etc. It depicts specific distinct patterns or analytics by mapping out the latest trends, simplifying the troubleshooting process, and reporting various activities.


Relic is one of the cloud computing software tools which is quite efficient in managing complex and ever-changing applications. It helps the servers running real-time and also gives an insight into the issues and resolves them quickly. It also allows you to scale your operations with the usage. It considers various processes and optimization of the apps, whether it is either mobile or web-based applications. It helps to place all the data in one place in the dashboard, which gives you a clear picture of every part of the cloud. These are many top-notch companies using this cloud structure. 

Solar Winds

This cloud computing monitoring tool provides cloud monitoring services and networking and database solutions. This cloud management platform allows you to monitor applications, servers, and virtual machines performance and health. It is encrypted with the infrastructure management tool, which can monitor cloud environments.


It is one of the cloud-based tools designed for developers and designers helping with code and design development. It helps in tracking execution and ensures the developers create advanced coding at all times. The idea is to make the developers more productive with fewer complications and make the developer and designer much more manageable with much faster work.

Career prospects in cloud computing

Abuja data school will also be taking you through the career prospects you can fit into, after being equipped with the skill of cloud computing training in Abuja. Below are some examples of jobs common for skilled people with knowledge in cloud computing, including a brief job description of each role.

  1. Cloud administrator

These experts manage a company’s cloud presence and infrastructure. They develop, enforce and update policies for how employees and users access cloud services, establish security protocols and policies, monitor and ensure uptime, and assess the need for technology updates.

  1. Cloud architect

Think of cloud architecture as the framework within which all other cloud technologies operate. The cloud architect is something of a general contractor, the one who designs and implements a company’s cloud computing strategies. They ensure that everything stays on track, on budget and that the company’s transition to cloud operations goes smoothly.

  1. Cloud automation engineer

As the world becomes increasingly automated, cloud automation engineers are necessary to build, implement and maintain this automation technology as it migrates to the cloud. This automation frees up human workers from repetitive tasks.

  1. Cloud consultant

A cloud consultant has broad knowledge of cloud technologies and provides guidance to companies looking for cloud-based tools. Typically, this expert will assess a company’s needs and suggest software and devices to best meet that company’s technical and budgetary needs. The consultant may also help transition to the cloud by designing migration policies and selecting appropriate platforms.

  1. Cloud engineer

Cloud engineers are responsible for the managerial aspects of a company’s cloud strategies. Engineers often work alongside architects to ensure a company’s cloud strategies are implemented, but they also do the administrative work of negotiating with clients and vendors to keep everyone on task and within budget.

  1. Cloud security analyst

Cloud security analysts have the responsibility of ensuring the integrity and security of a company’s cloud presence. They do this by assessing threats and shoring up defenses against them, preventing data breaches, securing data and eliminating security gaps if a breach occurs.

  1. Cloud software engineer

Cloud software engineers work with programmers and related computer scientists to develop software that operates in the cloud. These individuals are usually also responsible for upgrading, repairing and maintaining the software they develop and databases they power.




Finding it difficult to grasp the concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency? Abuja Data School got you covered through the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency training organized in Abuja Nigeria. 

Let’s take a quick trip to the history of money and how it progressed in life with generations in what is called “The Evolution of Money”. Over the years, we have seen money take different forms from trade-by-barter to seashells, cowries and pebbles to invoices to paper money to electronic money (ATM card) to digital currency (cryptocurrency).  Fortunately, the trend has evolved to digital currency where transactions are cryptographically generated and encrypted.

Does the term “Cryptography” marvel you? Well, it simply means writing in codes or securing information using code form. Encryption is the process of concealing a message with an algorithmic process. This brings us to an era where currencies are printed and minted by the programming of codes.



Blockchain is a technology that helps people contribute to the internet from different parts of the world and yet still make this information accessible to anyone and everyone in a system known as “Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT)”. In short, it is an open source technology that powers the internet also likened to a database that is shared to every participant – accessible to all.

Blockchain as the name implies is usually called a “block” of “chains”. Notice it is a combination of two words. It is called so because it defines the basic process in blockchain starting from the genesis block which is the first block of every chain and connects subsequent blocks. At Abuja Data School, this process will be dealt thoroughly through the coding and non-coding angles. A block is likened to a box of transactions or a page of records in a book which when complete moves to the next by solving difficult tasks before the start of every new level. A node is a participant or server which verifies the block of transactions. Hash is a mathematical function that generates numbers verifiable to make a transaction valid. A block contains the hash of the previous transaction, time stamp and hash value for the nest transaction validated by a node. The acronym “NONCE” also called “number only used once” as the name implies is a unique number added to the hash to solve a difficulty in a block which when solved, the node miner is rewarded.


Cryptocurrency training programme

Is Bitcoin the same as Blockchain?

Blockchain Technology is vast and has various aspects which Cryptocurrency is one of. Blockchain is a technology with many products on it referred to as “Use cases”. These use cases exist in real time and digitally. They include, healthcare, government, financial services, supply chain /logistics management, cybersecurity, Internet of Things(IOT), smart contracts, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies. Blockchain is the technology on which these work. Therefore, bitcoin is made possible by the type of blockchain technology it runs on which is cryptocurrency. The kind of blockchain set up determines the function or use case on which it will be performed. Cryptocurrency is a kind of blockchain and Bitcoin is an example of a Cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin was created in the year 2008 by a person or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto. After which it was introduced on 3rd January 2009. The first bitcoin transaction was in 2010 by Laszlo Hanyecz who bought two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoins worth $40 then.

As earlier introduced, money is believed to have trends which is called Evolution. Money evolving from one phase to another e.g. from trade by barter to shells to cowries to invoice/receipt to paper money (fiat) to electronic money (ATM cards/gift cards) to DIGITAL MONEY (Cryptocurrency).

Basically, Cryptocurrency is the novel type of currency generated from codes. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency enabled by the decentralized system of blockchain technology using cryptography to record and validate transactions. It is also called digital currency because it does not necessarily have tangible properties like the other types of money which we can feel and touch before a value is attached to it. It also qualifies for a currency because it serves as a unit of account, store of value and medium of exchange therefore, satisfying the basic functions of money.

Examples of Cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Solana, Binance etc.

It is expected in the tokenomics of coins and tokens that they should have solution(s) to proffer to realistic problems in what is known as “use case”, hence, the various kinds of coins/tokens according to their function. They are utility token, governance token, security token and stable token. A token is usually the native currency attached to or produced by a crypto project.

These are called Coins and Tokens. Coins are the likes of Bitcoin which have their own customized technology while Tokens run on other existing technologies. Similar blockchain ecosystems which exist are Solana, Binance, Polkadot, Tron, Phantom and many more.

Cryptocurrency has a market where people can buy and sell the currencies they hold. They are called Exchanges. This is where you can sell your local currency (e.g. Naira, Cedi) to get Bitcoin through an exchange. Just as your local currency is kept in the custody of conventional banks that give bank accounts as an identity, Cryptocurrencies are stored in wallets with wallet addresses as identity to effect transactions.


Different things you would learn to do with crypto currency at the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency training at Abuja Data School:

  1. Crypto-trading, i.e. buying and selling available currencies.
  2. Investment in crypto-related projects for future benefits.
  3. Staking process to yield passive gains.
  4. Many more.



  1. Programmable – transactions are programmed on the blockchain. This blockchain and cryptocurrency training in Abuja will equip you with programmable skills to create a blockchain.
  2. Distributed – All participants share in the ledger of transactions. Simply put, everyone with permission to the blockchain will have a copy of transactions.
  3. Immutable – It cannot be altered if a transaction is validated except in rare cases of 50% attack rule.
  4. Time-stamped – It has time and transactions are recorded accordingly in the block.
  5. Anonymous – Participants are anonymous and have digital identity.
  6. Secure – Transactions are encrypted for security purposes.
  7. Unanimous – There has to be agreement of participants or nodes for validation of transaction.



The advantages of blockchain are summarized under 4 basic categories which are;

  1. Decentralization.
  2. Immutability.
  3. Security and privacy.
  4. Transparency.

The blockchain and cryptocurrency training at Abuja Data School will give further tutelage on these categories and benefits embedded in each item.



  1. Costly to set up a blockchain.
  2. Some blockchains require too much energy consumption to function.
  3. Political and social threat to adopt as it disrupts centralization.



  1. High returns on investment depending on demand and supply.
  2. Immediate transaction processing time.
  3. No individual information leakage.
  4. Lesser fees to transact with.
  5. Not bound by regions or countries.



  1. Market volatility.
  2. High risk of loss by market fluctuations.



  1. History of cryptocurrency.
  2. How the blockchain works.
  3. Blockchain protocols and consensus mechanisms.
  4. Stable coins.
  5. Tokenomics.
  6. Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  7. Layer 1, 2 and other layers.
  8. Smart contract and Solidity programming.
  9. Token creation.
  10. Market tracking using Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, Coinratecap etc.
  11. Concept of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
  12. GameFi features.
  13. Non-Fungible Token (NFT).
  14. Trading and crypto market strategies.
  15. Metaverse – the new wave.



C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Go, Python, Ruby, and Solidity


Not limited to what is listed here, this blockchain and cryptocurrency training in Abuja Nigeria will teach many more topics even to current trends.

Abuja Data School has made available professionals in various fields such as Finance, IT, Law, Management who will take you through the training and real applications of what you would learn.



  1. Data Scientist.
  2. Customer Success.
  3. Blockchain Developer.
  4. Crypto Trader.
  5. Project Manager.
  6. Blockchain Engineer.
  7. UI/UX Designer.

  And many more.





Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine data patterns. Our institution has come to offer you a great deal of knowledge, encompassing various skills to improve your analytical and managerial aspects and also to create models in solving real life data problems. Now, people tend to go more into businesses nowadays, in one way or the other, you will have to involve yourself in transactions and work with data. As an economist or business holder, it is verily advisable you have your necessary tools to work with. In lieu of this, Abuja data training school has set aside all the essential training regarding Stata necessary for you to be successful in your business or in your field of career.


Why you should learn Stata for data analysis

In this modern economy, you absolutely have no excuse or barrier expected to hinder you from undergoing a Stata training. As a  business holder or economist, there is a cogent need for you to be using Stata for virtually all of your data analysis.  Among its many capabilities, Stata includes built-in commands to manage and clean your data, engage in basic statistical analysis, perform advanced econometric procedures including panel and time series regression models, and also create visually stunning graphs and tables. Stata also allows you to write your own code or program, that is if you are using graphical user interface (GUI) or command line as your Operating system. In addition, it allows use of menus to perform your analysis. Stata can import data in a variety of formats, including csv and spreadsheet (including Excel) formats.  Stata’s proprietary file formats are platform independent, so users of different operating systems can easily share datasets and programs. All of these functions of Stata are easily broken down into steps by our professionals in Abuja data school, for simple comprehension of our intending trainees. Abuja data school has all it takes for you to know fully about Stata, you do not need to seek for any other help elsewhere, all that is associated with Stata will be taught adequately and squarely!. All the numerous functions of using Stata for data analysis will be properly handled by our professionals. At the end of the day, knowing the full use of Stata will help boost your business in terms of technology and also help you access and process your data in a well segmented and aligned order. Do not doubt, Abuja data school is the best option for you.


Stata for data visualization

Career opportunities after learning Stata

Considering the state of the economy presently and in fact looking at it globally, we are in a phase of technology. It is very essential that you possess skills regarding Data science and Stata itself. 

There are numerous areas where the skill of Stata for data analysis can be applied and utilized. Many fields of profession nowadays require so much of Data science and Stata as it is easier to use by understanding some commands. Abuja data school is always available to come to your aid, you really need it. For you to choose any career in the field of tech now, you just can’t skip the fact that you need Stata!. Engineering, medicine, computer science & engineering, food science, mathematics & sciences in fact humanities. All mentioned here can’t do without processing of data, therefore, mandatorily requires the skills regarding Stata for data analysis. If you want to be a research analyst, econometrician, or a data analyst, forget it!, you need to undergo Stata training for data analysis in Abuja for you to excel better in the field. Stata as a major part of data science is an aspect we focus and specialize in at Abuja Data School. Our work with Stata for data analysis training in Abuja cuts across research, consultancy and academic work. In the field of statistics for instance, knowing how to work with Stata for data analysis will be a huge advantage for you. It can help you secure work placements in sectors such as banking, financial services, market research and operational research. Meanwhile, not to forget, insurance and accountancy firms, IT companies, logistics and transport companies, the FMCG and private health companies, market research organisations, pharmaceutical industries, universities and other education bodies. All the above mentioned are all  career areas where the skill of Stata for data analysis is being required. Do not forget that for you to have fully learnt all that has to do with Stata for data analysis, you have become a very competitive candidate to those fields of career. Summon up and enroll into Abuja data school today.


Why Data Visualization Is Better With Stata

We can conclude that with the aid of Stata for data analysis, data visualization is obviously achieving a lot and also being improved better. Data visualization with Stata  gives us a clear idea of what the information means by giving it visual context through maps or graphs. This makes the data more natural for the human mind to comprehend and therefore makes it easier for you to identify trends, patterns, and outliers within large datasets in Stata for data analysis, allowing you to organize data in a way that’s both compelling and easy to digest. At times, data analysis using Stata represented in text can be confusing, but when represented visually, you can easily detect and extract meanings from it. However, before we can extract meanings or predictions from a dataset, there is a need to manage the data in order to make it good enough to be something through which insights can be derived. The programming aspect in Stata for data analysis helps in creating new variables to treat data in such a way that finding patterns in historical data or predicting the outcome of a given event becomes much easier.





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